Canton, OH / Weather
Saturday Partly cloudy High: 78°F Low: 56°F
10 Day Weather-Canton, OH. As of 11:29 am EDT. Today. 68°/60°. 100%. Fri 17 | Day. 68°. 100%. SSW 10 mph. A steady, heavy rain this morning.
Wed 15 | Night ... Partly cloudy. Low 13°C. Winds NNE at 10 to 15 km/h.
Elev 1020 ft, 40.8 °N, 81.38 °W. Canton, OH 10-Day Weather Forecaststar_ratehome. icon 70 °F Whittier Park Station|Report. Report Station.
70% Chance of Storms. 72°. Forecast night icon. Night. 70% Chance of Storms. 61°. Friday 5/17. Day. 72°. 70% Chance of Storms. Forecast day icon.
10-Day Weather Forecast ; Today. 5/17. 68° 59°. Thunderstorms, mainly early. Night: A stray t-storm early; cloudy ; Sat. 5/18. 78° 55°. Mostly cloudy, showers ...
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Partly cloudy skies early then becoming cloudy with periods of rain late. Low 59F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%.
50% Chance of Storms. 71°. Forecast night icon. Night. 60% Chance of Storms. 59°. Tuesday 5/14. Day. 71°. 50% Chance of Storms. Forecast day icon.
Scattered clouds. 80 °F, 10 mph, ↑, 41%, 5%, -, 7 (High), 6:03 am, 8:41 pm. Tue May 21, 80 / 58 °F, Isolated tstorms late. Cloudy. 80 °F, 9 mph, ↑, 52%, 16% ...
Canton, OH 10-Day Weather Forecaststar_ratehome ; 76° · 59° ; 69° · 59° ; 78° · 57° ; 82° · 58° ; 83° · 61° ...
10 Day Weather-North Canton, OH. As of 7:12 am EDT. Today. 67°/55°. 67%. Wed 15 | Day. 67°. 67%. NE 9 mph. Cloudy with showers. Thunder possible. High 67F.