Sandusky, OH / Weather
Wednesday Scattered thunderstorms High: 82°F Low: 62°F
10 Day Weather-Sandusky, OH. As of 11:26 pm EDT. Tonight. --/68°. 5%. Mon 20 | Night. 68°. 5%. SSW 8 mph. Considerable cloudiness. Low 68F.
10-Day Weather Forecast ; Today. 5/20. 87° 68°. Partly sunny, showers around. Night: Mainly clear and warm ; Tue. 5/21. 82° 70°. Partly sunny, a stray t-storm.
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Mon 20 | Night ... Partly cloudy, with a possible thunderstorm. Low 20°C. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 km/h. Chance of rain 30%.