Defiance, OH / Weather
Thursday 8:34 PM Cloudy
10 Day Weather-Defiance, OH. As of 2:54 pm EDT. Today. 78°/61°. 1%. Thu 16 | Day. 78°. 1%. SSW 6 mph. Considerable cloudiness. High 78F.
Periods of rain. Low 54F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Rainfall around a half an inch. Humidity86%. UV Index0 of 11. Moonrise12:05 pm.
10 Day Weather-Defiance, OH. As of 10:54 am EDT. Today. 72°/54°. 59%. Tue 14 | Day. 72°. 59%. SE 8 mph. Cloudy with occasional rain showers. High 72F.
Tue 30 | Day ... Generally clear. High 22°C. Winds WNW at 15 to 25 km/h.
40% Chance of Storms. 62°. Thursday 5/16. Day. 75°. Mostly Sunny. Forecast day icon. Night. 62°. 40% Chance of Storms. Forecast night icon.
10 Day Weather-Defiance, OH. As of 8:31 am EDT. Today. 81°/59°. 6%. Mon 13 | Day. 81°. 6%. SW 13 mph. Mainly sunny to start, then a few afternoon clouds.
Showers early. Low 6°C. WSW winds shifting to N at 15 to 25 km/h. Chance of rain 70%.
Elev 709 ft, 41.29 °N, 84.36 °W. Defiance, OH 10-Day Weather Forecaststar_ratehome. icon 71 °F Defiance Station|Report. Report Station.
10-Day Weather Forecast. Today. 5/16. 78° 60°. A p.m. shower in places. Night: Couple of thunderstorms. 40%. Fri. 5/17. 78° 59°. A shower and thunderstorm.
Mostly cloudy. 78 °F, 10 mph, ↑, 53%, 6%, -, 3 (Moderate), 6:10 am, 8:58 pm. Sat May 25, 77 / 57 °F, Breaks of sun late. 78 °F, 9 mph, ↑, 54%, 55%, 0.15", 3 ( ...