
Learn to pronounce brav·er·y

courageous behavior or character.
"perhaps I'll get a medal for bravery"
synonyms: courage, courageousness, pluck, pluckiness, braveness, valor, fearlessness, intrepidity, intrepidness, nerve, daring, audacity, boldness, dauntlessness, doughtiness, stout-heartedness, hardihood, manfulness, heroism, gallantry, backbone, spine, spirit, spiritedness, mettle, determination, fortitude, resolve, resolution, guts, grit, spunk, gutsiness, gameness, bottle, ballsiness, moxie, cojones, sand, balls

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May 27, 2024 · The meaning of BRAVERY is the quality or state of having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty : the ...
brave behavior or actions: They were awarded medals for their bravery. acts of exceptional bravery. Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples. bravery.
Bravery is the admirable quality of being able to confront frightening things. It takes bravery for a knight to battle a dragon, but it also takes bravery ...
Kids Definition · 1 of 3 adjective. ˈbrāv. 1. : feeling or displaying no fear : courageous. 2. : making a fine show : splendid. brave banners flying in the wind.
May 2, 2019 · Sometimes bravery means fighting for others, other times it means asking for help. Sometimes bravery means risking it all in the pursuit of what ...
noun · brave spirit or conduct; courage; valor. Synonyms: boldness, fearlessness, intrepidity, spunk, mettle, nerve, audacity, spirit, pluck, heroism, prowess, ...
The action of braving or acting the bravo; daring, defiance; boasting, swaggering; bravado. a bravery: an act of bravado. in, upon, or for a bravery: in ...
the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery. the heart as ...
to deal with dangerous or difficult things without fear: He braved the anger/wrath of his father by quitting law school and becoming ...